
  • The sound on my computer is unavailble at this time so I can't watch the video, but I agree with him.  However he is the leader of Racists and it certainly seems to me that most Marxists (formerly known as Democrats) are included in that club!

  • When everything is Racist, nothing is racist.

  • Communism is about division.  Turning the population on itself to isolate those who will not capitulate..  Racism is a fundamental precept of communism designed to foment this division.   Obama successfully reignited it and it has become the cornerstone of todays 'modern' Democrat Communist Party.   More recently  homosexuality and trans culture have been weaponized as well.  These actions are strategic.   The graeatest enemy to black freedom and dignity in the United States is, actually, the black man recruited by the Leftist Democrat Communist Party.  

  • why do democrats call others racist when they were for slavery in 1860

  • When you are a demoncrat all you have to offer is hate, lies and scare tactics to your limited thinking constituents. You tell them that the White racist are out to put you back in chains and you keep getting their votes. 

  • Yep just watch this white boy try to hang out with black people. #2 I was raised in a 80%Hispanic town  Spanish no problem. 

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