The AZ Senate is not using the Audit for punitive reasons... why not? If the laws are broken and criminal conduct is exposed ... why would they give those breaking the law a pass or not expose their criminal conduct? The idea that we merely correct the election code to avoid or discourage future Election Fraud (felonies) is like telling a Bank that was robbed that the crooks will be given a warning ticket this time. However, in the future, we intend on arresting and prosecuting election fraud; that is not justice nor is it how the rule of law is supposed to work. Anyone caught committing Election Fraud ... should be prosecuted and if convicted they should go to jail... The State doesn't give out warning tickets for stealing elections.
Every thinking American knows that the 2020 election was stolen from the best president the country has ever seen. We all know Trump made America great again, and now Biden is reaping the fruits of Trump's hard labour. It's disgusting.
Our elections have been based on predetermined outcomes for decades... the 2020 election was not the first and unless we get serious about reforms it will not be the last. We are operating on the Joseph Stalin model for elections:
Capitalist Mitchell > Ronald A. Nelson COL, USA, RetiredApril 28, 2021 at 8:04pm
Hey Ron ... frustrating as hell. All the so-called auditing of AZ's vote is pointless unless the Dominion softwareSOURCE can be examined!!! How can that proprietary software be seen/subpoenaed?
dominion's proprietary code is protected from theft and the usurping of proprietary system information by patents and copyrights... So, yes it can and should be examined. As you stated without the 'source code' a FORENSIC AUDIT is a fraud. Don't we already have enough fraud taking place?
The AZ Senate is not using the Audit for punitive reasons... why not? If the laws are broken and criminal conduct is exposed ... why would they give those breaking the law a pass or not expose their criminal conduct? The idea that we merely correct the election code to avoid or discourage future Election Fraud (felonies) is like telling a Bank that was robbed that the crooks will be given a warning ticket this time. However, in the future, we intend on arresting and prosecuting election fraud; that is not justice nor is it how the rule of law is supposed to work. Anyone caught committing Election Fraud ... should be prosecuted and if convicted they should go to jail... The State doesn't give out warning tickets for stealing elections.
The Communist Democrats will get away with this but everybody with half a brain knows what they did. They are of Satan, every last one of them.
I'm a computer engineer. Until we are able to see the Dominion software SOURCE, we will not be able to determine fraud in the 2020 election!
Every thinking American knows that the 2020 election was stolen from the best president the country has ever seen. We all know Trump made America great again, and now Biden is reaping the fruits of Trump's hard labour. It's disgusting.
Everyone knows what they did now it's time to make them pay
Our elections have been based on predetermined outcomes for decades... the 2020 election was not the first and unless we get serious about reforms it will not be the last. We are operating on the Joseph Stalin model for elections:
Hey Ron ... frustrating as hell. All the so-called auditing of AZ's vote is pointless unless the Dominion software SOURCE can be examined!!! How can that proprietary software be seen/subpoenaed?
dominion's proprietary code is protected from theft and the usurping of proprietary system information by patents and copyrights... So, yes it can and should be examined. As you stated without the 'source code' a FORENSIC AUDIT is a fraud. Don't we already have enough fraud taking place?
Wow an honest man I can't believe it
Crooks !! Trump and we the people got screwed