
  • Of course they do......they can't get to full communism without the Supreme Court 

  • This BIll had better be DOA  in the Speaker's Office...  We don't need more 'justices' we need Constitutional JUSTICE.   The politicization of the Supreme Court will not result in greater justice ... attempts to stack the Court and to use the Courts to create law... fiat law... is unconstitutional.  Court findings and judgments should never be treated as law... they are the opinion of the Court and apply ONLY TO THE CASE BEFORE THE COURT.  The creation of law is the duty and sole responsibility of Congress and the President.

  • fdr tried this and congress and the supreme court said no 

  • They will do anything to stay in power, so they can destroy the country, Also after watching this joke the demoscums are having a temper tantrum because they are not getting their own way fast enough. Can you imagine what they would be saying if a Republican purpose that same thing when Trump was in power???

  • You are full of S***

  • Purely Political Propaganda. Tell Democrats then, when Republi6are in power, they will add 6 more seats. Eventually there'll be 50 Justices!! 😂

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