“Congresswoman” Stacey Plaskett, a token representative from the Virgin Islands who is sometimes humored as if she is an actual legislator, said repeatedly that conservatives are domestic terrorists during the phony impeachment trial of President Donald Trump on Wednesday.
However, Plaskett took multiple substantial financial contributions from deceased pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, as Epstein bought favor with Plaskett so she would not call attention to his child sex trafficking operation in Little St. James, which is technically under Plaskett’s jurisdiction.
After it was revealed that the pedophile donated to Plaskett, she initially refused to return the total of $5,400 that she received from Epstein. Only after overwhelming pressure did she finally acquiesce to returning money given to her by the infamous Democrat-affiliated predator.
“I am uncomfortable having received money from someone who has been accused of these egregious actions multiple times,” Plaskett said before Epstein’s mysterious death.
“I want it to be clear that I in no way support the allegations and have confidence in the Southern District of New York to investigate and prosecute the matter,” she added.
The fake news media is calling this Epstein-backed Congresswoman a “rising star” for her willingness to push for the unlawful conviction of Trump and demonize his supporters as terror threats.
“When the violence erupted as a response to his calls to fight against the stolen election, he did not walk it back,” Plaskett said. “He did not tell them no. He did the opposite. He praised and encouraged the violence so it would continue. He fanned the flame of violence and it worked.”
“They did it because Donald Trump sent them on this mission … President Trump put a target on their backs and his mob broke into the Capitol to hunt them down,” she added.
read more here: https://bigleaguepolitics.com/democrat-who-said-conservatives-are-terrorists-at-sham-impeachment-hearing-took-pedo-bucks-from-jeffrey-epstein/