schotts on Twitter: "Yup. Shit's getting old. Even my moderate Democrat  friends are saying "this shit has to stop". To which I say, it's your  political party doing it. <a href=" / Twitter" />

Political child predators take custody of children from their parents.

“Trans Minors Protected from Parents Under Washington Law,” the Associated Press headlined its story. A short time later the story had officially been “withdrawn” by the AP.

Withdrawing the story however didn’t change the facts.

Washington Senate Bill 5599, titled, “Supporting youth and young adults seeking protected health care services”, allows shelters where a child runaway shows up not to notify his or her parents. While normally, unless a child were suffering “abuse or neglect”, the shelter would be obligated to inform the parents between 24 and 72 hours after arrival. The new law adds minors getting abortions and transgender treatments as “compelling reasons” not to notify their parents.

Once a child is listed as transgender, the parents are automatically treated as abusers.

Instead of contacting a child’s parents, the system will contact Washington’s child services department essentially claiming automatic state custody of any children classified as transgender. This measure follows on the heels of school policies where children are encouraged to imagine they’re another gender without telling their parents and shelter systems in the state that have refused to disclose information about minors to their families.

Laws like this not only violate family bonds for political reasons on the level of some of the worst totalitarian regimes in the world, they’re a bonanza to actual abusers who use social media to lure teenagers into running away. Senate Bill 5599 makes Washington a magnet for teenage runaways and sexual predators. That’s not surprising in a state where Seattle Mayor Ed Murray only resigned after being accused of sexually abusing five teenage boys.

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