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House and Senate Democrats may push ahead this week with a censure resolution to bar former President Donald Trump from holding future office over his role in the U.S. Capitol riot, anticipating acquittal in the Senate impeachment trial, several sources familiar with the matter told McClatchy.

The effort to draft the resolution that would invoke a provision of the 14th Amendment began quietly in January and gained momentum over the weekend, as Democratic Sen. Tim Kaine of Virginia and Republican Sen. Susan Collins of Maine gauge whether the measure could attract bipartisan support.

The reception has been lukewarm so far from Democrats, who would prefer to see the former president convicted in the impeachment trial, and from Republicans, who fear political consequences in barring Trump from office.

But a group of Democratic lawmakers may still proceed with the censure resolution this week, hoping to build public support and political momentum for the alternative as the trial proceeds, two sources said.
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  • In the meantime there are protests in DC by ANTIFA/ BLM minded groups chanting "burn down DC", the same mentality that stormed the Capitol on Jan 6 ... The impeachment is by the same people who incited storming of the capitol, but that's a Dem / RINO land now, the US capitol is being destroyed from within while the projection is on the American patriots and there's little patriots can do about it

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