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If the idea of a November spent hunkered down at home with mass protests and violence again roiling the streets sounds appealing, don't worry: The left has a plan for that.
A coalition of influential progressive groups—including the SEIU, AFT, Color of Change, Indivisible, MoveOn, and Demos—is organizing, the Daily Beast reports, for "mass public unrest": "Occupy shit, hold space, and shut things down, not just on Election Day but for weeks."
Only a fool would think that this "nonviolent civil disobedience" will stay nonviolent after a summer that's seen over 500 riots across the nation. In 2000 we had the Brooks Brothers riot; in 2020, Democrats are promising the real deal.
There's a reason these "secret" plans were revealed in painstaking detail to a sympathetic outlet, one that would repeat fever dreams about "MAGA violence after election day." It's the latest example of the left's campaign of extortion: If you want the protesting, rioting, and murder wave to end, all you have to do is hand Joe Biden a landslide.
The organizations claim to be preparing for an election "without a clear outcome," or the possibility that President Donald Trump refuses to concede. Of course, they have also worked to assure an ambiguous election night by pressing for a massive, disorganized switch to mail-in voting, even as public health experts say in-person voting is as safe as grocery shopping.
Both the promised unrest and the scaremongering over the possibility Trump will not concede are part of the same drumbeat that Democrats have marched to over the past four years: Trump, and indeed the entire GOP, are not just bad but illegitimate.
That's why talking heads keep repeating the long-debunked claim that Russia handed Trump the White House; why prominent Democrats pretend Stacey Abrams is the governor of Georgia; why Biden-aligned postal unions invented a crisis at the Post Office; why Hillary Clinton has told Joe Biden not to concede.
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