In a significant bit of performance art, Democrats in the House decided to give more airtime to the most self-obsessed member of our government, Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Honestly, President Trump has nothing on this young lady on the narcissism scale. Shame on Speaker Nancy Pelosi for allowing it and shame on any member who said nothing about left-wing violence all over his nation over the summer for thinking their tearful testimony meant anything to anyone paying attention.
Ocasio-Cortez organized this time on the floor after she was outed for several inaccuracies in her Instagram storytime regarding her own experience. Pelosi should have given these children some puppies and Play-Doh and told them to go into the Rotunda and reflect on their own behavior this summer. Of course, that would mean the entire Democrat Party, including President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, would have to reflect on their own. Along with the whole corporate media ecosystem.
None of them ever condemned antifa and BLM activists’ violence this summer while cities were burning, and lives were ruined. After CNN commentator Don Lemon said publicly that the riots were hurting Democrats in the polls, Biden gave a tepid statement about political violence, never naming the groups involved in one of the most disgusting displays of bothsidesism ever recorded.
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