
  • Absolutely, with VP Pence at the head of the list of RINOs who betrayed our Constitution, Pres. Trump, and those arrested for protesting... the theft of the 2020 Pres. Election.

  • There's not a single thing right about January 6!
    People are rotting locked up without a trial, none of our rules and laws apply to these people.......where is the speedy trial? Naturally they withheld evidence, naturally they are lying, naturally they are making examples of them to deter all others from ever having the courage to stand. 

  • Of course they did, it was about "getting President Trump" not anything to do with making America better or safer.!!!!!  They have nothing to prosecute him for and they knew it so they had to deal from the bottom of a stacked deck, just like all communist and fascist dictators do min 3rd world toilets, which is what they nintend for America!!!!!!!!!!

  • Again demonrats get away with anything they want and nobody does anything to stop them

    • They got plenty of help from deep state gop establishment TRAITORS who fear and hate President Trump just as much and for the same reasons, he will expose their corruption and TREASON!!!!!!!!!!


  • The Brady rule, named after Brady v. Maryland, requires prosecutors to disclose material, exculpatory information in the government's possession to the defense.
  • Why does it take years to put out to the public what was known back then? 
    will it make a difference now, at this point for those who have been brainwashed to believe "orange man is bad" ?

    • ?- GREAT QUESTION ILONA:  Can it be the individuals fear of losinng their status or worse?   They never seem to personally admit that if they permit a lie to prevail that is a small step to corruption in the government they were supposed to serve.

    • It's mind boggling how a few in power can take control and not follow the law! We the people should be scream8ng and yelling so their cases are processed in a timely manner ( too late now), to demand a constitu judge for their case. 

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