Democrats lack funds for schools reopening



Democrats’ Spending Bill Slammed for Lack of School Reopening Funds


"Lady in Red" (CC BY 2.0) by Mike J Maguire


School reopenings continue to be a matter of controversy for the Democrats. The left claims to be all about the science; in fact, Joe Biden vowed in 2020 that should he win the presidency, he’d abide by the guidance of the scientists.

This is yet another area where the Democrat president continues to fall short. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has already stated that schools can safely reopen, even without teachers being vaccinated; the CDC moreover confirmed that schools and classrooms are not areas of transmission.


Despite this, however, Democrats continue to resist school reopenings in every capacity. As a matter of fact, the $1.9 trillion dollar COVID-19 spending package from Democrats doesn’t even contain funds for reopening schools, Breitbart News confirms.

Putting Politics Ahead of Children

In Democrats’ COVID-19 relief package, 95% of funds allocated for schools don’t start being spent until the 2022 fiscal year; from that point on, the funds are spent until the year of 2028.

Needless to say, this does absolutely nothing for the children who are in need of going back to school now. Getting children back to school is imperative now, especially since young people are starting to fall behind education-wise.

Kevin McCarthy
For nearly a year, Sacramento bureaucrats have proclaimed that reopening schools was too risky, despite the “science” saying otherwise. We must do all that we can to help our students succeed— including giving them the opportunity to be in the classroom.
At Kern High School District, Bakersfield City School District, and Panama Buena-Vista Union School District the percentage of students in grades 6-12 who received Ds or Fs during the fall 2020 semester increased by 14 percent compared to fall 2019.

Republican Sen. John Barrasso of Wyoming pointed this out yesterday, stating that because Democrats want to keep teachers’ unions happy, they have no problem with allowing kids to suffer and stagnate.

Teachers’ unions, in this month alone, have kicked up a fuss, stating that returning to classrooms just isn’t safe. This comes in spite of CDC guidance stating otherwise, a form of guidance that the left has claimed everyone should follow and abide by.

More Disturbing Details on the COVID-19 Spending Package

The coronavirus relief bill that Democrats are seeking to ram through Congress gets worse and worse. The reality that less than 9% of the spending package goes towards beating coronavirus is another cause for concern.


Senate Republicans
$1.5 million to build Chuck Schumer a bridge.
$112 million to build Nancy Pelosi a subway.
$200 million for museums and libraries ...and that's just the start! Democrats are on cloud $1.9 (trillion) Take a look inside their so-called "American Rescue Plan."
$200 million is allocated towards libraries and museums while $112 million and $1.5 million is for a subway and a bridge. None of this takes into account the actual needs of Americans; yet, Biden, Harris, and Democrats in Congress are stating that the American Rescue Package will help the nation.



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