
Democrats have long tried to crack down on so-called “ghost guns,” one of their many chimerical scapegoats for gun violence. This time, however, they might have a chance of succeeding.

On Tuesday, Democrat Rep. David N. Cicilline of Rhode Island announced he was introducing the Untraceable Firearms Act of 2021, a bill that would aim to severely regulate 3-D printed guns or gun kits that can be assembled at home.

“Gun violence is a public health epidemic in our country. In recent years, the increased presence of ghost guns in our communities has made this problem even worse. These untraceable weapons make it harder for law enforcement to find and prosecute violent criminals,” Cicilline said in a news release.

“This legislation will close the ghost gun loophole and make these weapons easier to trace. It’s just commonsense.”

“The Untraceable Firearms Act closes the ghost gun loophole by amending the existing definition of ‘firearm’ under federal law to include gun kits and partial receivers and by changing the definition of ‘manufacturing firearms’ to include assembling firearms using 3D printing technology. By modifying these definitions, the Untraceable Firearms Act ensures that ghost guns, including firearms manufactured or completed using 3D printing, are subject to existing federal firearm regulation,” the news release continued.

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Yes, there has been an “increased presence of ghost guns in our communities” these past few years, although the language here is somewhat misleading. As Joe Walsh noted in an article at Forbes on May 7, the increase in “ghost guns” found at crime scenes by police in 2020 was 9,000, compared to 2,000 in 2016.

This is the latest gun-related moral panic on the left, having replaced bump stocks as the shiny object of the season. According to The Washington Post, President Joe Biden previewed a crackdown on “ghost guns” in April when he issued a series of mostly toothless executive orders on gun control. At the time, the National Rifle Association warned such legislation “would do nothing to address violent crime while further burdening law-abiding gun owners and the lawful firearm industry with overbroad regulations.”

The rule would further give “an incredible amount of power” to the head of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, the NRA said.

It’s also not the first time the left has pushed to end the scourge of so-called “ghost guns.” In 2020, Connecticut Sen. Richard Blumenthal introduced similar legislation, noting in a news release that ghost gun kits would “allow anyone, including convicted felons, domestic abusers, and terrorists, among other ‘prohibited persons’ to get their hands on a firearm — legally — even if it means they have to build it themselves.” 

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“The public health and economic challenges that we face due to COVID-19 are great, and as we continue to make massive investments to meet this historic crisis, we must also respond to the related and mounting threat to public safety posed by rising sales of ghost guns,” the release said.

Beyond its introduction, however, no actions were taken on the bill, according to It’s almost as if Blumenthal wanted a news conference or two where he could pontificate about the danger of ghost guns and then let the issue die, since the Democrats had neither the votes, nor the momentum to do anything substantive about it.

However, 2021 is technically different. Joe Biden is the resident at 1600 Pennsylvania and he desperately wants a win on gun control — no matter how efficacious the policy might be. The Democrats have a slim majority in the House and Cicilline certainly has all the requisite gun control groups lined up in support of his bill.

“Untraceable and unregulated firearms, sometimes called ‘ghost guns,’ are an existential threat to public safety,” Kris Brown, president of gun control group Brady, said in Cicilline’s news release.

“These weapons are easily accessible to any person regardless of age or criminal background, requiring no background check and no questions asked. They are just as easily assembled, and sometimes come in kits with all the necessary parts and even the tools to complete them, undermining all existing gun laws. The Untraceable Firearms Act is a common-sense solution to this pressing problem and Brady thanks Rep. Cicilline and Senator Blumenthal for introducing this important bill.”

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“Ghost guns are the fastest growing gun safety threat in the country, for obvious reasons — anyone with a credit card and internet connection can easily score an untraceable gun with no background check, no serial number, and no questions asked,” said John Feinblatt, president of Everytown for Gun Safety. “To stop the proliferation of ghost guns, we need to make sure they are subject to the same lifesaving rules as other guns, and we applaud Rep. Cicilline for introducing this legislation to do exactly that.”

The question, as always, is the Senate. Both Blumenthal and California Sen. Dianne Feinstein introduced legislation of their own which mirrored Cicillline’s, but unless the Democrats plan to use the nuclear option and bypass the filibuster, it’s unlikely the bill will go anywhere. This brings up the question, of course, of when the Democrats finally decide the 60-vote hurdle the filibuster entails involves too much compromise. (Which, in 2021, seems to be any compromise.)

We’ve already seen the feint proposed by some that the Democrats’ election federalization legislation, H.R. 1, shouldn’t be subject to the filibuster because it’s “civil rights” legislation. It’s not a particularly long slippery slope to justifying the banning of ghost guns because issues of gun control represent special circumstances, as well. In other words, this isn’t just talk anymore.

In the meantime, banning so-called “ghost guns” remains as problematic as before. It gives overbroad power to the ATF, an agency which doesn’t need it — particularly when the White House and both chambers of Congress are controlled by a party in a state of mutual hostilities against the Second Amendment and its proponents. This is a moral panic meant to precede a power grab. The difference this time is that the power the Democrats wish to grab is well within their reach.



I see a continuing trend by the Left in ignoring the 2nd Amendment to the point they are negating it. What we need to do is to get our states to petition congress for an Article-V Amendment Proposal Convention. I know many people believe that a Convention of States would be better, but I myself do not believe it would hjave the scope we need to restore the Republic. I also know that many people are laboring under the mistaken idea that it would be a Constitutional convention which would open the basic Constitution for change. IT WOULD NOT!  The Article-V states petitioned for Amendment Proposal Convention would be exactly the same as if called by Congress to propose Amendments, and it would have the same safeguards. The difference between the two is simply this;

If the States petition Congress, Congress by law must convene the convention and then step back and only the people through their States can propose Amendments.

The other safeguards require the States to agree on what amendment proposals are made, and the wording of those proposals must be approved by their State Legislatures. The approved proposals are then submitted to Congress and Congress by law must submit them to all the States for Ratification. It takes 34 States presently to create a petition to Congress to have the convention started, and 38 states to ratify the proposed Amendments before they become law.

Not only can the people using the Article-V/COS propose Amendments, they can also propose the repeal of existing amendments like the 16th (Income Tax) and return to the poriginal apportioned tax. the 17th which would put the Senators back in their original role of representing their States instead of their political parties as it was originally intended for equal representation of each State in Congress. the 14th could even be modified to remove the "No state Shall" clause which gave the Federal Government total control over the States and the People. 

We could even completely stop the Gun Grabbers completely by adding an Amendment which would forbid the Government from creating any Law, Regulation, or Rule about firearms unless the people voted with a 3/4 majority to approve what they thought was necessary. If done that way,, it would be the people deciding what's best for us, instead of it being dictated to us without any input by the Gun Grabbers in Government. 

We could end the debate and possibility of having more than 9 members on the Supreme Court.

We could require Photo ID for every Citizen to vote, and clean up the voter rolls by eliminating them completely and requiring anyone wanting to vote to come in personally and apply for a lifetime Picture ID similar to the way everyone goes to the DMV for their Drivers License. Elderly and handicapped persons could be visited in their residences for the ID and verified Absentee Ballots. Same for Active Duty Military until the cycle catches up and everyone already has ID. These ID's could be cross referenced with the US Postal Service addresses and the County Death Records to automatically update the voter rolls for Deaths and moving.

We could impose term limits of 12 years total, regardless of which House of Congress the representative was in.

We could propose a way for the people to overrule any Law or Supreme Court Ruling with a 7/8 vote to eliminate it.

There are many lother amendment proposals out there, but the first order of business is to get the State Legislatures to petition for an Article-V or even a COS and by passing legislation within their own States which spells out how the delegates will be picked and what their discresionary powers will be when in the convention. Indians has a model set of legislation already passed into law. every State should also do that. The American Citizens of those States, need to be the ones who decide what their States will propose and demand their State Legislatures comply with their wishes, instead of party line wishes.

Never forget, the People are supposed to be the highest political power in the United States. It's time we got re-engaged and took back that power. Our Founders believed we were only supposed to be governed by our consent. Since then, the political parties are trying to RULE over us instead of REPRESENTING us. It has to stop.

The Tradesman

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