
Even before President Trump selected Amy Coney Barrett on Saturday to fill the Supreme Court seat left vacant by Justice Ruth Ginsburg, the federal appeals court judge already received attacks against her deeply-held Christian beliefs. However, these anti-Catholic attacks could backfire against Democrats with religious voters during the November election.

Barrett belongs to People of Praise, a South Bend, Ind.–based, nationwide charismatic Christian community of Christian churches from various denominations, though membership is predominately Catholic. Critics in the media are upset that women in the group referred to themselves as “handmaids,” a Biblical reference to Jesus' mother Mary who called herself a "handmaid of the Lord."

This sparked critics to say that Barrett endorses the dystopian HBO series "The Handmaid’s Tale," where women are suppressed. After that series began airing in 2017, media reports People of Praise instead started using the phrase “women leaders" instead. Barrett has not publicly spoken about her affiliation with People of Praise.

Sen. Ben Sasse (R-Neb.) on Tuesday issued a statement against "outrageous smears, laundered through publications like Newsweek and Reuters."

“People of Praise is basically a Bible study—and just like billions of Christians around the world, Judge Barrett reads the Bible, prays, and tries to serve her community," Sasse said. "Senators should condemn this wacky McCarthyism.”

Carrie Severino, president of the Judicial Crisis Network and a devout Catholic, told Just the News that anti-Christian attacks against Barrett could hurt Democrats by galvanizing voters who believe in religious freedom.

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