Democrats trying to expel Marjorie Taylor Green


Democrats plan to make an attempt to Expel and silence our champion Marjorie Taylor Green. They need 2/3rds majority to do it. Obviously she's doing her job and the fraudulent, lying, cheating Democrats and Rhino Republicans don't like it. If anything, we need to find more like her and promote them to replace all the corrupt, do nothing politicians in the House & Senate, as well as , in our state legislators.

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  • The communist hate the truth the media hate covering the truth Facebook and Twitter don't let you speak the truth and worst of all some Republicans in Congress fear the communist leaders but We the People will not be silent we will let the world know that no government will control our way of life.A few Americans fought for our Independence today hundreds of millions will fight for our country.

  • the communist left can't stand people who stand up for liberty and immediately move to crush them.  I was banned from facebook in 2019 for posting Christian and patriot messages!!!!!

  • R.I.C.O. and subsequent firing squad for these S.O.B.'s

  • If a few million of us surround the capitol (and the national guard) in peaceful protest, that may prompt the military to turn their weapons the other way, after all they are mostly a part of us...

    • Oleg, as soon as planning starts antifa's financers will begin planning their infiltration and violence like on January 6th.

    • I'd think that's expected, so those who are violent would be shunned by patriots and dealt with by the national guard (or patriots when the national guard is not nearby)

  • We the people have zero chance of representation in this swamp

  • They are moving fast, that HR1 that creates a federal right to commit voter fraud and against the constitution article 2 sec 1, Pelosi has tried to tie to stimulus and every thing else, soon with her (1) vote harvesting, they do it by states but she is usupring Article 2 sec 1 with every line item, thinking passing it as a law whennits a direct attack on states right through their legislators to decide how they count their votes in all electikns since the right to vote is not national its within the state you reside and additionally, Pelosi made it against the law to ask for ID as voter supression when registering, we already have proof that the actual fraud that has happened outweighs the right to let those from out of state andnout od country, non-citizens to ne many people since indentification is not accessible, plus, under the current ansentee ballot the democrats are letting people vote twice and allowing absenttee to steal someome else ballot

    • we have to have picture id to cash a check, buy an airline ticket, and several other activities but showing a picture id to vote is "racist vote suppression"?  Typical Bovine Scatology of the tyrannical left!!!!!

  • Demonrats hate real American patriots. They sure don't like different political opinions like Marjorie Taylor Green has. 

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