Nancy Pelosi - Speaker of the House...Again.. - Survivalist Forum

Visibly upset that Donald Trump will get a third Supreme Court justice confirmed in less than four years, thumb-sucking Democrats are at it again. Yet another variation of "change the rules in the middle of the game" has arisen from Democratland.

In addition to the "mail-in" ballot scheme to cast confusion on the presidential election, peppered with a good, old-fashioned, FDR-like threat to "pack the Court," congressional democrats fuming about Amy Coney Barrett now want " term limits" for Supreme Court justices.

Sometime this week, in a shameless stunt of hypocrisy, House Democrats, led by Rep. Ro Khanna of California, will introduce a bill that would (a) limit the tenure of a Supreme Court Justice to 18 years and (b) limit a president to appointing only two justices during his term in office.

Why is this a shameless stunt of hypocrisy? Because congressional Democrats want term limits for the Supreme Court, but they don't want term limits for themselves.

To be specific, the Democrat's court-chopping bill lacks any provision for congressional term limits — as if Americans are all spun up about "term limits" for the Supreme Court but don't want term limits for Congress.

Just for fun, let's apply the Democrats' proposed 18-year limit on Supreme Court justices to several prominent members of the Democrat Congress and see where the chips fall.

Start with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. First elected in 1992, under the Democrats' court-whacking rule, Pelosi would have been gone by 2011 — that's nine years ago, before the end of Obama's first term.

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