
Democrats are expected to take legal action against President Donald Trump for his executive orders aimed at providing Americans with critical economic relief during the coronavirus pandemic.

Trump took unilateral action late Saturday after negotiations between Democrats in Congress and the White House broke down last week. Democrats were demanding more than $3 trillion tax dollars be spent in the next relief bill, a prospect that Republicans and the White House outright rejected.

According to Politico, Democrats finally shaved $1 trillion from their demands on Friday, but their requests remained bloated at more than $2 trillion. The White House ultimately rejected the alleged compromise.

However, because Congress was heading to recess with no compromise, Trump chose to take action. He signed a series of executive orders that will provide Americans with a $400 supplemental unemployment stipend, defer payroll taxes for Americans who make less than $100,000 annually, extend the federal eviction moratorium, and further defer student loan payments and forgive interest.

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