
  • Looks like the chickens are coming home to roost. Good for you young man, making azzclownz out of those without any intellect, the untellectuals.

    • isn't that something


    • isn't that something


  • Maybe he smartened some of them up?...............................Maybe!!!

  • Funny

  • Love the challenge this young Blackman threw at these liberal idiots... take a knee to him... That should become the challenge given to every white fool who buys into the social justice message of the Marxist camp. The yoking of young white men and women with the guilt for past social injustice and racism is reverse discrimination. In fact, many individuals of the caucasian race have been and are the targets of liberal racism and anti-white social justice campaigns.

    • Exactly! I agree with you, Ronald.

  • Young broads with no brain!, Tought socialism.  

  • Great, this ought to take place anywhere these liberal fools attempt to spin the truth... take a knee ... you gotta love it.

  • it's becoming a joke out there, really! it's ashamed.

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