
  • Had to laugh at "Dick"Cheney's comment - - "As citizens we each have a duty to put country above partisanship!" He never did, during the years he served as VP, he even maintained his own "hit list" of people he deemed to be "in his way."  And if nothing else worked, he would take them out "hunting"!!

  • I always believed, in the back of my mind, Dick Cheney was mixed up in the 9-11 attack and knew before hand.

    • Of course he "knew" and so did "Dubya" - - they both made it a point to be OUT OF TOWN that day!!

    • Did you vote for Bush/Cheney? Once or twice?


    • Voted for those two jackwagons ONCE and got so disgusted with Dubya, I resigned from the republican boondoggle and became a Registered Independant; and NO, I do not plan to change back!!

    • WHAT CHOICE DID WE HAVE? TWO PARTIES gives us NO choice. 

    • Of course there's a choice; run a "write-in" campaign for your "preferred" individual.  Everyone thinks that is a losing maneuver, but the "kow" from Alaska got re-elected that way!

    • Rinos know that we don't have a choice and that we vote Republican no matter what, which is why they have no incentive to change. So, in the end it is really our votes that put them into office and keep them there.

    • We have to INVESTIGATE IF THEY HAVE PROOF OF SWEARING THE OATH........IF NOT ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

    • Ditto. Always have.

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