Titanic Sinking - Imgflip

Up until this weekend, the Democratic victory narrative has been this: Dems will outperform in early and mail in voting. Republicans, leerier to mail-in voting, will opt for in person voting and will outperform on election day. However, in the end, the in-person voting will not be enough to overcome the massive early voting numbers by the Democrats.

This weekend that narrative shattered in some key states. It’s absolute panic.

Politico’s lead story today contains this revealing quote about many anxiety-ridden memos in Democratic offices:

“Democrats are poring over early vote totals, circulating anxiety-ridden campaign memos and bracing for a long two weeks.”

Michigan is chief among the Democrats’ worries. With 25% of the total vote in, compared to 2016, Republicans have a slim advantage heading into Election Day. It’s expected a rush of ballots from Republicans, leerier of mail voting, will be cast in-person on Nov. 3.

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  • Red wave, yeah! Then we can shut down all the Federal departments that are unconnstitutional and the budget will be a fraction of what it is now

  • Trump will win the election with a huge landslide in 2016, he will keep the Senate Republican, and win back the House. He won all of them in 2016 and will do so again this time around but with a bigger win. All Americans can see how great America is today after we suffered from chaos, riots, and fiscal destruction under obummer.

    • Not only is a clean sweep possible, it is nessesary. We then will see how a Congress will behave without the "Epstein effect" in play. SCOTUS with that Chief Justice has question marks around it.

      I also wonder if the Executive branch will need to prompt both GOP controlled houses to actually perform their function, if it chooses to allude to detailed documents it possesses, brought out to public scutiny and criminal prosecution. 

      It is pretty sad to need to strong arm elected public servants into being real.

    • When I was a little boy I was listening to the radio with my father and Edward R. Murrow was interviewing the old muck raker Drew Pearson who a newspaper column called “Washington Merry Go Round”.  Edward R. Murrow asked Drew Pearson why he named his column “Washington Merry Go Round”. Drew Pearson replied “My father always said that every good circus needed a good merry go round and there is no circus that has more clowns than congress.”

    • I am with you 100%

  • The Biden campaign is the proverbial one legged man in a butt kicking contest.  He'd better smell Kamala's hair before the election ......

    • isn't that the truth

  • Trump will win in a landslide. The problem is with state courts that have changed the election laws, which is illegal, only the legislature can change laws, to extend the filing deadlines to as much as 6 days after the election. Ballots will be counted and are currently being counted so the Democrats have ample time to dig up mail in ballots to fill in the gaps. If you live in one of those states, you need to get in touch with the election boards and tell them they cannot change the election laws without legislation. 

  • I pray to God you are right President Trump will be re-elected. I'm a Vietnam veteran and can't see all those man and women who died in the battlefield fighting for our freedom 

  • President Trump will win in a 50 state landslide, and all demoncrats will be voted out of office and replaced with conservative, America loving Republicans!!

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