Report Fraud | USCIS

The Justice Department is proposing a new set of reforms to the United States’ immigration asylum system, citing the pervasive abuse of the system by illegal immigrants and its inability to resolve asylum claims in a reasonable timeframe.

The DOJ’s 161-page document proposing a wide range of reforms to the system was released Thursday. The reforms would create a new set of requirements for the processes utilized by immigration courts to resolve asylum claim, and would broadly make abuse of the system and reaching asylum claims more difficult.

The asylum system remains one of the most abused elements of the American immigration system. Illegal immigrants with dubious claims frequently use the byzantine nature of the nation’s immigration court systems to set up lengthy asylum processes, in many cases escaping into the country before authorities are cleared to begin deportation proceedings.

Vaughn went on to break down the fundamental flaws of the asylum system, which essentially serves to give many human smugglers and illegal aliens a free card to enter the United States on the grounds of exaggerated persecution.

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  • Really, how about enforcing the current laws and regulations regarding amnesty as they already cover fraud...  Mr. AG... the problem isn't the law, regulatory guidance, or how it is written.  The Problem ... just in case you've been sleeping the last 40yrs... is the Courts and the activist judges who deliberately misinterpret the law and its regulations... Activist Judges have no problem with CREATIVE LAW... imagining ways to manipulate any law to fit their needs.  Passing new laws or publishing new regulations only provides them with more opportunities to explore their wizardry and innate powers to magically find new law and activist precedent where there is none. 

    Besides, any law or regulation proposed by the DOJ must pass muster with Nancy Pelosi and the Democrat Party ... SO STOP WITH THE CRAAT and enforce the current laws and regulations...  Use your creative writing skills to fashion Executive Orders by the truckload if necessary to support the current law and to go around the court's injunctions and the wizardry of their adjudication ... the more EO's the better. Swamp the ACLU and Congress's legal staff, make them spend inordinate amounts of time and money challenging the President's EO's... As quickly, as one EO is nullified by a Court order... issue two more orders.... so on, and so forth.

    We are at war and Pelosi stated she would raise constitutional and statutory challenges to every program and act the President took that she and her party did not agree with... time for a little payback and yes... being vindictive... is ok... in fact, it is mandatory when dealing with seditionist and treason.


  • Can we start with Omar whatsherface who committed asylum fraud for her brother/husband!  Time to deport her back to Somalia!

  • Where can I go to seek asylum from those seeking asylum?

  • I'll believe it when I see the evidence that it's been put through and working.

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