Facebook is in Full CENSORSHIP MODE! - Imgflip

In the past day there have been two very disturbing developments in internet deplatforming.

We are all familiar with deplatforming from major social media services such as Facebook and Twitter, as well as those platforms outright silencing important news that harms Democrats, like the Biden family influence peddling scandal. Twitter regularly now places notices or restrictions even on Trump’s tweet on the allegation that his opinions on the election are disputed. In the four years Trump as been the subject of dishonest and malicious conspiracy claims, particularly Russia collusion, I can’t remember Twitter ever placing such restrictions on the tweets from Adam Schiff, other Democrat politicians, or mainstream media outlets peddling that disinformation.

The two recent developments take it to a new level.

First, The Conservative Treehouse website says it received notification from that “… given the incompatibility between your site’s content and our terms, you need to find a new hosting provider and must migrate the site by Wednesday, December 2nd.” should not be confused with the WordPress website software. is a hosting platform owned by Automattic:

Automattic owns and operates, which is a hosted version of the open source WordPress software with added features for security, speed and support. Please append “.com” when referencing our product name.


WordPress is open source software, which is written, maintained, and supported by thousands of independent contributors worldwide. Automattic is a major contributor to the WordPress open source project.

Legal Insurrection uses WordPress software, but we are not hosted by

I have emailed Automattic asking them to confirm or deny the story as related by the Treehouse, but have received no response. This form of deplatforming is particularly troubling. Longtime readers may recall that one of the main reasons we left Google Blogger ( in 2011 was fear of being deplatformed by Google.

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  • BUT...Wordpress software has a WHITELIST of places which you can embed!!! For instance, I cannot embed any of my videos on etc.. Therefore, it is still a bad software which by the way, I do not like!!

  • If AG Barr doesn't defend our Freedom of Speech then we will that all this high tech companies owners will have to leave the country. Our Constitution is by the People not high tech owners.

    • I agree with you 100%

  • Facebook, Twitter the next replacing freedom of speech here in America.

  • I have seen some btg hammersand can not even imagine the size of the one coming.

  • Typical of the globalist anti-American, anti-liberty satanic leftists.  They pull out all the stops to censor any truth!!!!!

  • The fake news keeps spreading lies to destroy freedom of speech. They need to be inundated with lawsuits filed by the AG until they declare bankruptcy. I'm so sick of the lying media. Why are they allowed to do that?

    • Paul, Barr is part of the deep state, he won't do anything more than bluster and bleat like the rest of the gop deep state TRAITORS.  I don't understand why Trump hasn't fired him and durham and replaced them with patriots like Trey Gowdy and others like him who will take action rather than blow hot air and spout meaningless Bovine Scatology

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