
  • Of course, he doesn't know... and no, it will not fix what doesn't need fixing... There is no alternative energy supply capable of replacing Carbon Based fuel sources at the present time.  I say again, there is no other fuel source capable of replacing the existing Carbon Based fuel system.

    Until we have a viable, cost-effective, alternative energy source... A source, that is 'available' and 'able'  to provide consumers, manufacturers, and other consumers of energy their energy needs a non-carbon-based system is a no-go from the get-go... Any so-called alternative form of energy billed as available and capable of replacing our current system is a LIE... PERIOD! 

    There is no alternative energy source capable of meeting the world's needs...not without crushing the economy and turning back the dial on living standards to the pre-internal combustion engine and refrigeration era.  An era when wood and coal firers (extremely high carbon emitters) provided heat and steam-powered technologies.

  • No one could know that, there is no fix for something that isn't broken. Do we wonder where all that money is going?

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