Adam Schiff: We Now Have Reason To Believe.... | Southern Maryland ...

Thursday on MSNBC’s “The Last Word,” House Intelligence Committee chairman Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) said if Congress was delayed in receiving the financial records of President Donald Trump because of court battles, “the country continues to be at jeopardy during that delay.”

In a clip reacting to today’s Supreme Court decisions, Attorney General William Barr said, “Well, obviously, we were disappointed in the decision to the extent it did not accept our argument, the government’s argument, about the extent of the president’s immunity. But as a practical matter, the decision made very clear that the president just is not at the mercy of litigants and investigators and that there are protections and defenses that can be raised.”

O’Donnell said, “Your reaction to that, Mr. Chairman?”

Schiff said, “Well, I’m not surprised that Barr finds it a bitter pill to swallow that the president is not above the law. He takes the legal view that essentially the president can’t violate the law because he is the law, and Bill Barr is essentially the hand of the president to implement his will. It’s why the Justice Department under Barr doesn’t represent justice. It doesn’t represent the public interest. It is essentially like a second defense attorney and defense counsel for the president.

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  • Oh, here comes the last of the 3 idols they all worship—classism. Now, they call to arms witll be how rich Trump is and they will twist that truth into dozens of knots, and finally tying all 3 into some justificaiton for some po' black woman as VPOTUS and that will be there hue and cry for the next months till the election. In the words of the immortal Steve Martin, king of comedy, "I was born a po' black chil.: Here it comes. 

    • Racism. Sexism. Classism. White Privilege coming soon to a neighborhood near you.

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