Desperate FakeNews Media in Overdrive

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Desperate times call for desperate measures, as the saying goes. As the presidential election nears, Democrats, the media, and NeverTrumpers realize that President Trump is still popular, incredibly at 40 percent approval among likely black voters according to Rasmussen. Their chosen candidate, Joe Biden, belongs in a memory-care center rather than the White House, as this video from Joe’s recent appearance on The View demonstrates. One only needs to look at the faces of the harpies on the show as Joe struggles to utter a coherent sentence.

The Senate has finally awoken to its oversight responsibility and is beginning to hold hearings over the ObamaGate sedition conspiracy, which the media is dutifully refusing to cover as they are too busy chasing and fact-checking Trump’s latest tweets.

Several media stories, presented as gospel, are now crumbling as fast as the Russian collusion fable which we heard about non-stop for four years from the DNC cable news networks. It will be interesting to see now what the media chooses to cover, and what they conveniently ignore about the Chinese virus and now the peaceful protests riots.

Start with hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), a drug that’s been around for 60 years and is one of the safer drugs currently on the market. Ever since President Trump spoke of its potential benefits against the Wuhan virus, the medical establishment and fake news media have been in overdrive to discredit it.

If only Barack Obama had mentioned it early on as a potential treatment, then it would be in widespread use by now and Obama would be booking a trip to Sweden to collect the Nobel Prize in medicine. But since the Orange Man promoted it, the predominantly left-wing medical establishment have been on a jihad against the drug.

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