Al Green promises to impeach Trump if Dims win back the House | TexAgs

Hatred of President Trump is fueling protests in Portland, Oregon, prompting activists to threaten the lives of federal police in hopes of driving them away and handing the White House a major embarrassment, according to an agent who broke the code of silence to describe the situation.

“As the night goes on, the rioters become so hateful it is surreal. Their voices hoarse, their sentences jumbled, they seem almost catatonic with hate,” said the agent of the Portland clashes that have nearly reached 60-straight nights.

“A totally surreal experience. You get large, nonviolent demonstrations where people march, they chant, they give speeches, then shortly after are replaced with a smaller crowd, though still large, who immediately start trying to break into and destroy the federal courthouse. They have transposed their hatred for the president and for law enforcement onto the physical structure of the federal courthouse, and the uniformed personnel whose job is to protect that courthouse,” the agent told the Center for Immigration Studies.

The agent, assigned to protect Portland's Mark O. Hatfield U.S. Courthouse, talked to the center’s national security fellow Todd Bensman to reveal the experience of the agents under attack every night.

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  • Time to expose, denounce and investigate all left wing activists, mayors, governors that continue to create and allow this mayhem.......just because they hate Trump.  REELECT TRUMP.......REELECT TRUMP....REELECT TRUMP......only idiots would vote for the PUPPET BIDEN....the CHINESE COLLUSION FAMILY.  How come the fact that Biden's son, sister, brother all made money off China, while JOE WAS IN OFFICE????  No investigation, no nothing........the guy is a mindless idiot and it is so obvious that the radical fascist progressive/socialists like Omar, Tlaib, Cortez will be using this fool to inflict more damage on the AMERICAN CIITIZENS.  What happened to the investigation on Cortez' abuse of campaign funds with her boyfriend????  AMAZING HOW LEFT WING CRIMES JUST BLOW AWAY.......JUST LIKE HILLARY.......AND OBAMA'S......FAST AND FURIOUS, BENGHAZI, BILLIONS TO IRAN, EMAILS, ETC. 

  •  Trump 2020 by a landslide

  • You communist terrorist Antifa are such total idiots!  Keep it up cause you are assuring President Trump a monumental landslide win in November and all demoncrats to be voted out of office!!

    • out a ALL DEMOCRATS.........REGARDLESS OF WHERE THEY ARE IN SCALE OF POLITICS........BECAUSE THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A MODERATE DEMOCRAT.  THEY keep trying to redifine what moderate is........and by now it's so far to the left .......they think communism is conservative


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