The internal investigation by JoeBama’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) serves two purposes. [Memo Link Here] First, it will identify anyone with nationalist outlooks and/or ‘America First’ ideology; in essence it will identify JoeBama’s political enemies (those that didn’t vote for Biden).
Second, it will send a chill through the ranks within all DHS agencies to quiet any dissent to the approved leftist approach (the DHS political agenda). This is essentially putting DHS through the same process previously deployed against the FBI during Robert Mueller and James Comey’s terms. Eliminate any and all opposition to the JoeBama agenda.
As the notification from DHS explains, the investigation is already underway (See Here) “At the direction of the Secretary, a cross-Departmental working group comprised of senior officials will immediately begin a comprehensive review of how to best prevent, detect, and respond to threats related to domestic violent extremism within DHS. This internal team, which will be led by the Department’s Chief Security Officer, will produce a report with recommendations for the Secretary on how best to identify and respond to threats.”
It doesn’t take a deep political thinker to understand exactly what DHS is attempting to do. They need to cement as many leftists, communists and radical left-wing perspectives as quickly as possible. To accomplish this they need to remove any internal opposition to the plan.
Remember, DHS runs just about everything you encounter now with federal law enforcement, including Transportation Safety Administration. This internal purge is needed in order to support a fully weaponized police state. [Insert COVID passport here]
They have already announced similar programs being deployed against Americans; and the FBI is currently promoting the incarceration of anyone suspected of attending the January 6th DC rally. This effort by DHS is more of the same…
And don’t forget the United States Postal Service is also operating their own investigation into Americans, using their technical capability and their own police force… Now tie today’s announcement with: “DHS Preparing to Use Private Contractors to “Scour Public Data and Social Media” To Compile Dissident Citizens for Watch List and No Fly Lists“…. what is described in the Yahoo article about the USPS; and what is described in the DHS memo; is almost identical to what we previously outlined.
It ends in satanic tyranny imposed on We the People!!!!!!!!!!
Well folks, are you going to TAKE IT TO THE VERMIN, or sit on your butt sniveling???
These VERMIN WILL have to be REMOVED, so what's the PLAN???
I totally agree. I think when a Republican is elected President again, he should ask every Agnecy and Department Head to resign and start all over again. Then only people who are not Washington D.C. insiders should be put in their place. Other employees in the agencies and departments should be investigated for anti-american leanings (which probably means dimocrat supporters). If any are found, fire their asses.
I am not certain what we, as provate citizens, can do to rectify the situation. But I do know waying that the government is corrupt and therefore I refuse to vote (as I have seen and/or heard some people do) will only make it worse. That is a sure sign you have given up.
The Marxists are doing what Pres. Trump FAILED TO DO... removing their enemies and expanding the swamp... Only, they are consolidating their power by purging anyone who is not one of their henchmen or women... they are removing patriotic, law-abiding, and Constitutionally sound individuals... replacing them with more lawless and corrupt communist operatives. Thanks, Mr. Presdient for being so bold and draining the swamp (not)... you should have fired Sessions the day he recused himself and fire every major leader in both the DOJ and FBI... let God and the courts sort them out.
In observance of the First Amendments intent,
The Department of Homeland Security ought to suffer dissolution,
or at least the leaderships tendered and accepted resignation.
Sorry, Skeptical... only Republicans resign. Democrats never offer to leave they have to be dragged out of office...
That's why I said,"...ought to....".
We know they have no honor.
That's exactly right, Ronald and Skeptical. Demonrats have no honor and never resign. Instead, the MSM vilifies a Republican like Gaetz on flimisical charges, not to mention what they did to President Trump. Imagine the same allegations were made against a demonrat like that loser Al Franken. The MSM protects these sexual predators. It's disgusting.
So.............When do we give ourselves permssion to squash this Communist revolution FOR ONCE AND ALL,Patriots? Or does freedom just die on earth because of a handful....................FOREVER?