

Acting Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Chad Wolf told Fox News’ Tucker Carlson on Monday night that the Department of Justice (DOJ) was investigating the heads of Black Lives Matter and Antifa over the violent rioting that has broken out in Democratic-controlled cities across the United States.

Wolf began the segment by noting that 77-year-old Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden was “delusional” after Biden suggested today that there would be more violence if Trump won re-election.

“Do you think the Department of Homeland Security is getting the help it needs from the Justice Department?” Carlson later pressed. “Why haven’t we seen the leaders of Antifa and BLM arrested and charged with conspiracy under RICO like the heads of the mafia families were?”

“Well, this is something that I have talked to the AG personally about,” Wolf responded. “I know that they are working on it. Look, we have seen about 300 arrests across this country regarding civil unrest and protesting, violent protesting and I would say, criminal protesting.”

“I know the Department of Justice has charged about 74, 75 individuals there in Portland with different federal crimes,” Wolf continued. “We will continue to see how those investigations are going. Department of Justice is also targeting and investigating the head of these organizations, the individuals that are paying for these individuals to move across the country.”

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  • I am thinking that delaying obvious, timely prosecutions has provoked: sincere, demonstrated, reckless abandon by antagonists who thought the populist President was a new kid on the block: a patsy .

     This 2020  series of orchestrated ruthless agitation, outright sedition and innsurrection, has stripped away any standing for plausible denial or benefit of doubt. Only fools claim apathy or insignificance of politics in their lives.

    But the blows to the body politic have been strong indeed. It will have bruises for decades. Maybe it should, as a finite reminder of what happens when citizens become lax, and do not tend to what is important in their lives, liberties, and pursuits of happiness.



    • Great post, Michael... Raises the question: Who are the true Patriots?

      Who Are The True Patriots?

      Often, I sit in silence, as my mind drifts to days long lost … too, nights where horrors many did brightly light the skies… where men’s cries, shall never end. There, I ponder the weight of it all… What sorrow did gain and what tears many feed? ‘Tis but the mournful memories of patriots long-dead… Whose, hearts doth shout… give me liberty or give me death… that resounds in my soul.

      Did freedom so loosely lay itself in deaths way… That men presently would trample upon their grave… Upon, the memory of those… whose lives did bleed… That they may live. Where comes this arrogant nature in men… Too, take lightly the pain of others, who suffered in death? Where is their true memorial?

      Does it lie… in the mouth of those, who so glibly label their pain of death… tyranny. By what horrible exercise… of imperial power… did they die? And too what land do they now lay claim? For in their pain, they suffered for nothing more… than, man should live free… Free from the tyrant's rage, and the ignorance of lesser men.

      Where then comes this cry… from the high places in our land… Too, slander the brave and heroic… Our forefathers, and their progeny… Whose house they built, that we may live in freedom… How doth these men speak and live… What manner of people, hold them in high esteem… These who rob the graves of the righteous; who steal the sacrifice of liberties… guarantors.

      Woe… to this perverse and wicked generation… Whose, unthankful and derelict nature, doth tare at the wounds of those who feed the Tree of liberty… that they may be free.

      RA Nelson

      Col. USArmy (Ret)

      Who Are The True Patriots?
      Often, I sit in silence, as my mind drifts to days long lost … too, nights where horrors many did brightly light the skies… where men’s cries, shall…
    • Thank you Sir!

  • If they were serious about dealing with bowel movements matter and aunty'sfarts, they would arrest, try them, and cut a deal with kim li'l dong to have them spend the rest of their lives working in the sweat shops in N.K., not as visitors, but as permanent workers. Giving the rioters a true taste of their marxist commie utopia.

  • Is the government capable of actually doing anything to bring these traitors to justice and execute them? It looks like the FBI, CIA, NSA, etc. are just, sort of, kinda, maybe keeping them corralled and who the hell is leading all these idiots? I pray to God it is not my President and he is compromised. I think,  by now, some like hillary, comey, soros, gates etc. should have already been tried, convicted, and executed. It's been almost 4 years and NONE of these people have even been charged yet. We all know they are dirty as hell. Where the hell is the attorney general and FBI? Its enough to make you lose faith in being a good guy. Almost makes you want to go over to the dark side. If Trump doesn't win it's going to be every man for himself!

  • Working on it... my a**.  First, how difficult is it to obtain access to phone records, bank account records, and Email, etc.   This is such crap.  No one can move large sums of money or establish regular monetary payments to others without leaving their electronic fingerprints.   We know that all communications in the US are monitored by the NSA and that all communications are open to interdiction by properly warranted taps. It's as if the DOJ, FBI, and DHS, are deliberately obstructing justice.  If you or I were running a Domestic Terrorist Group one could bet we'd wake up in GITMO very quickly.  The Democrat Party and their Marxist operatives have their fingerprints all over ANTIFA and BLM operations and there funding. The leadership of these groups appears to be shielded from prosecution. It appears that some members of Congress and prominent Billionaires are underwriting and supporting ANTIFA and BLM.  Men like George Soros and Bill Gates have the goods on many corrupt politicians and hold controlling interests or sway huge influence over the nation's media outlets... resulting in quashed investigations. 300 arrests made, mainly of low-level thugs, out of the thousands of individuals involved are a token number of arrests. America needs the individuals financing the thugs arrested.  Our federal law enforcement agencies have been corrupted, it shouldn't take months or years to build cases for crimes, which are well documented by Congress and the DOJ. The evidence to prove criminal conduct can be found in the sworn testimony of Congressional witnesses, in the official documents disclosing criminal conduct, and other physical evidence in the possession of law enforcement. Anthony Weiner's Lap Top Computer is loaded with evidence... just one example of a plethora of criminal evidence held by Federal Law Enforcement.  The American People do not need more promises to investigate, they need indictments of the kingpins behind these criminal acts and their organizations. 

  • BLM and antifa are terrorist organizations. The leaders need to be sent to gitmo and need to stay there for good. That will teach them and kill off these organizations.

  • Well, Have any of you ever worked for the government? City County state or federal?
    They are expert at slow walking everything. I worked for Los Angeles county 40 years ago. I never saw any office of people and I worked in several different offices that take more and longer coffee breaks lunch breaks dinners in in house in office parties. They really waste the taxpayers money. I couldn't tolerate it. My husband worked for Los Angeles county also. Way back in the 70s we gave up working for them it just wasn't worth it it was annoying!they are expert at slow walking everything. I worked for Los Angeles county 40 years ago. I never saw any office of people and I worked in several different offices that take more and longer coffee breaks lunch breaks dinners and in house in office parties. They really waste the taxpayers money. I couldn't tolerate it. My husband worked for Los Angeles county also. Wayback in the 70s we gave up working for them it just wasn't worth it it was annoying

    FYI it's highly likely that they are slow walking all of this to run out the clock. Shame shame shame on them all!

    • "I" know what you mean.. "I" worked in Sherman Oaks.. 

    • Yes William, but she is simply expressing herself singularly, with conviction. We have another member who posts a Gettysberg address pretty much each time. "I" accept this as their methods (useful too), but decided a more effective means of communicating by me, was in using commonly known metaphors (including theatre), as well as relevent facts. Whatever it took to get the point across, with brevity.

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