This week, our award is going to the Department of Homeland Security for its $500,000 grant for research and data collection on insider threats in the country's law enforcement agencies.
The premise for the grant, "Insider Threats in American Law Enforcement," is that the U.S. is facing a rising number of internal threats and an understanding of the changing environment is needed.
"Due to the growing number of threats our nation is combating," the grant synopsis explains, the DHS Science and Technology Directorate "supports the evolving threat landscape of a dynamic world with changing motivations, actors, communication models and weaponry."
The grant prioritizes data collection and technological innovation as means to identify, understand and combat the purported threat of penetration of U.S. law enforcement agencies by violent extremists.
"Objectives of this effort will identify high quality data to understand the risks posed to the United States by the potential for violent extremist organizations or lone actors to infiltrate law enforcement agencies (LEAs) and other government institutions," the synopsis states.
While billing U.S. taxpayers $500K for this initiative to understand these clandestine "extremist organizations" infiltrating law enforcement, the grant neglects to define what it means by "extremist organizations."
The research and data collected under the grant is to be shared with a variety of agencies, including private organizations. Yet civil rights and liberties will not be violated in the combined public-private harvesting and sharing of data about undefined "extremists," DHS insists.
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