BREAKING: CNN’s Jade Sacker penetrating the Capitol with a member of BLM/Antifa cheering, “We did it!” And then asking her conspirator if he was filming, he said he’d delete it, he lied. CNN was in on it.
— @amuse (@amuse) January 15, 2021
4/ Sadly, as a 'reporter' she is exempt from every regulation and lockdown in the nation. She's allowed to keep working while you and your children are stuck at home.
— @amuse (@amuse) January 15, 2021
If You Want To Change The Way Elections Are Rigged, GO TO WORK AT LOCAL and STATE GOVERNMENTS- School Boards- Election Supervisor Office and so on... I ALL STARTS AT LOCAL to STATE Control-!!!
There's no evidence that they DIDN'T!!!.................They'll probably pick up Zucker for conspiring to ovrtheow too. Maxinde,Nancy ,Shumer, een the turtle., Bezos and Dorsey So much rot.
The Criminals can no longer exonerant themselves. Sucks to be them now! Gonna be like the finalscene of"The Godfather". I hope they go all the way back to Clintons Administration. I STILL want to know what Sandi Berger took! He was protecting someone.
If the media on the 1st Amendment guess what We the People are also protected
We are supposed to be. But what I see on the news tells me differently. People put on the no fly zone just because they attended the Trump rally or went to the Capitol, facebook and twitter kicking people who state Conservative views or post comments, pictures or videos exposing the Democrats or their jack booted thugs Antifa and BLM look bad. How does that protect us? How does that protect our freedom of speech?
I know that the press is protected in the first amendment, but isn't there some way to take them to task? The conspiring they do with the left is disgusting and should be unlawful.
CNN and the rest of the fake media need to be shut down and sent to live with their Chinese masters
CNN and all of the fake news are in bed with antifa, BLM, and the radical left.