In Wisconsin, officers kneel with protesters, Madison cleans up again

As many in Black Lives Matter call for Caucasians and law enforcement officers to kneel before them, one can't avoid the obvious comparison to a similar situation in the past.

All across social media and in mainstream media reports, images and videos of people kneeling “in solidarity” with Black Lives Matter protests seem to all be missing one important component. To kneel in solidarity would mean that everyone is kneeling together, but that’s not the case. If you look at the images, you’ll notice the kneeling is only happening on one side. While Caucasians and law enforcement officers kneel to show their appreciation of the grievances made by Black Lives Matter, the ones calling for the kneeling are standing tall.

Conservative commentator Dinesh D’Souza noticed a distinct parallel between what these Black Lives Matter activists are doing and what an old group of “grieved” people called for in the past.

By no means is D’Souza saying Black Lives Matter is like the Nazis. But the tactics used—namely “racial humiliation”—cannot be ignored. Kneeling before people has always been a sign of deference to their authority, while calling on others to kneel has always been an expression of this supposed authority. This isn’t like the kneeling that was popular in recent years among athletes who were echoing former NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick’s sentiment about the National Anthem and perceived injustice in America. Those people were kneeling “in solidarity” against this perceived injustice. What we’re seeing today is conflated with past kneeling by the press, but when one group of people is kneeling before another group of people, that’s not solidarity. That’s an expression of being dominated.

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  • They are a disgrace.  Instead of kneeling they need to stop the looting and rioting.   If they cannot then do not do that job

  • who said that these cops are bright?  The only thing they are signalling is there lack of training and controlled by ignorant politicians!

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