Americans have more in common than not...

The lack of social harmony in America is the result of LEFTIST and GLOBALIST incitement...  Race-baiting, class warfare, protected classes, victimization ideology, and a host of other psychological warfare tools are being used to inflame the racial, ethnic, religious, class, and sexual divisions among an otherwise historically stable demographic and culture. 

Eliminate the Marxist and Globalist... race-baiting, class-warfare, victimization, and entitlement ideology fed to the public; remove the constant stream of inflamed social rhetoric and incitement to violence and we would not have the serious social divisions we are experiencing in America. 

America's culture was built upon the Judeo-Christian ethic... the cornerstone for that culture is to do unto others, as you would have them do unto you.  The Judeo-Christian ethic served our society well and it needs to return... bringing harmony once more to society and reason to the social exchanges between the classes and demographics that form America's diverse and vibrant social order.

We must end the rhetoric of anger, hate, envy, greed, and avarice... that has created the artificial walls of division in our society.  We can make America Great Again if we simply follow the GOLDEN RULE... not to be confused with the fascist concept of he who has the gold rules.  Social orders that understand we are our brother's keeper and that all work is honorable, valued, and necessary create a harmonious society...

In a well-functioning society, every member must be valued... and every member must value the LAWS defining the social order.  The head must not say to the foot I need you not, nor the eye to the hand depart from me. Every member's labor and capital must be valued and secure from the few who would destroy the value of labor and rob the capitalist of his rightful return on investment.  Labor and capital must work together in harmony each providing their portion in the formula for success... and prosperity for all.

Destroy the law, fail to value your neighbor, and chaos will follow.

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