If you haven’t followed the granular details of how Barack Obama organized the AME Church Network (SC, Clyburn) with the BLM movement (GA, Abrams) in 2020 to control the democracy primary process, then the moves today to codify that approach will not be clear.
Once you understand what took place in the 2020 Democrat primary that saw all candidates fall in line behind Biden, according to the process that Obama initiated, then everything centered around the DNC moves today makes buckets of sense.
Despite how the media is presenting this, it is not Biden’s plan. This is Obama’s 2024 insider club roadmap, and it specifically includes the alignment of interests that he created in 2020 to remove the threat that Bernie Sanders represented. More on that in a moment. First, the DNC plan:
(Via Politico) – […] The DNC is on track to reshape its primary calendar after dissatisfaction with the traditional first state, Iowa, boiled over in 2020. Members of the party’s Rules and Bylaws Committee, charged with recommending a new calendar, gave a near-unanimous vote of approval on Friday for Biden’s proposal, with only minor tweaks to the dates and two ‘no’ votes from Iowa and New Hampshire members.
The revised proposal would see South Carolina host the first 2024 presidential primary on Feb. 3, a Saturday, followed three days later by New Hampshire and Nevada. Georgia would then hold an early primary on Feb. 13, and Michigan would hold its contest on Feb. 27. Iowa would be out of the early lineup altogether. (read more)
These changes are all about keeping the corporate wing of the DNC in control and eliminating the influence of the momentum progressive candidates. Just like the RNC wants MAGA destroyed, the DNC corporation wants control over the Bernie Sanders wing and democrat socialists.
Keep in mind, we wrote about this over two years ago, when Obama stepped into the 2020 primary to create the AME/BLM alignment.
I always said obummer is a vile human and he is behind all the unrest in this country
Anything to take power forever!
Typical of the DNC - aligning themselves with any hate promoting terrorist group they can find.
Why does the term "brownshirts" come to mind?