collusion? the media, the fbi, the democrats - Donald Trump Says ...

As the last wisps of smoke still curl up from the ashes of the widespread destruction left behind by the “mostly peaceful” social justice warriors who burned, smashed, and looted in the name of promoting tolerance and harmony, new details emerge regarding the catalytic death of George Floyd. It now turns out that the authorities in Minnesota have been holding back bodycam footage of the minutes leading up to Floyd’s death, which appear to corroborate the hypothesis that Floyd may have died of a drug overdose, not police brutality.

The British Daily Mail on Monday scooped American news media with the leaked police body cam footage. To be clear, the footage does not exonerate the police officers although it provides considerable context not previously available. Floyd refused several police orders including not making his hands visible during the initial traffic stop to resisting entering a patrol car.

In the video, Floyd complains about difficulty breathing before the infamous knee-on-the-neck pose. His shortness of breath may have been a symptom of an advancing drug overdose that ultimately may have contributed to his death. The autopsy indicated a quantity of 11 ng/mL of fentanyl in Floyd’s blood. One study of 143 postmortem analyses of fentanyl overdoses found a median level of 9.8ng/mL in the blood of people believed to have died from overdosing on the drug.

Setting that aside, the way in which the new information came to light is further indication that American news media cannot be trusted to cover and report facts. Why would a whistleblower need to find a foreign news outlet to publicize the highly newsworthy videos of the minutes before Floyd’s death?

The answer, of course, is that American news media work together to advance a shared political agenda. This isn’t a conspiracy theory. This is a project the New York Times wrote openly about in 2017. In the view of the writers and editors, history calls upon the American news media to oppose this president.

In early 2017, the media entered into a fragile agreement not to publish the infamous Steele dossier. Buzzfeed broke the agreement which ended the anti-Trump whisper campaign as the Steele fairytale could be subjected to the disinfecting sunlight of public scrutiny.

In the aftermath, CNN criticized Buzzfeed for not sticking with the program. Buzzfeed pushed back on the criticism, stating the publication was “not going to participate in an attempt to divide the media against each other.” The New York Times wrote an editorial complaining that the disunity of the press created an opening for the president, “And so, Mr. Trump won again, by succeeding in doing just that. It was all part of a show in which he used news organizations as props in their own lampooning while he played them off each other with labels of good and bad and selectively answered their policy questions. A united front would have given the reporters stronger footing.”

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