Cortney grabbed this yesterday morning, but you’re starting to see that even the most anti-Trump networks out there are starting to ask why Nancy Pelosi held up COVID relief for months. We have a $900 billion spending bill. It has COVID relief. And it was done just before the government ran out of money. It was a must-pass bill. So, of course, every piece of pork is in this 5,000+-page monstrosity. Most of the hold ups were over mere rounding errors in federal budgeting. It’s a near-one trillion-dollar bill and folks were holding up the works to fight over a few billion dollars. Meanwhile, millions of Americans had expected this relief months ago. So, given the relative ease of this bill, some in the media are actually asking questions that Pelosi probably hates, like why did you inflict untold economic misery on Americans for this long a period of time when it looks like a couple of relief packages could have been hashed out before Election Day.

I think you all know the answer. It’s because Pelosi wasn’t going to help Trump win a second term. New COVID relief would have helped Trump, especially when the latest push for a relief package was being debated on the Hill. It was too close to Election Day. In the Senate, I’m sure Chuck Schumer knew it would help the GOP keep the Senate. Now, there are $600 checks to help families pay months of bills that have stacked up. Pelosi and her crew decided to torture Americans to better the chances for Biden. This is why those who say ‘country over party’ need to be beaten mercilessly. That’s not really a thing with these people. I admit that I’d vote for ANY Republican over a Democrat no matter what. I’m a base voter all the way. But Trump wanted a deal. Trump offered Pelosi many opportunities to strike a deal. We were flexible on a host of things regarding the price tag. And there was leftover money from past packages regarding school funding and food programs. In August, this point was made by PBS’ Judy Woodruff, which caused Madam Speaker to have a meltdown; all her entire talking points got wrecked. 

To avoid another incident like this, Pelosi merely just ignored CNN’s Manu Raju. Why? Is it because Pelosi is a sadist? I don’t know. All we know is that it’s pretty hard to see how a deal was out of reach in months past but is possible now without seeing the explicit political nonsense here. 

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