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  • I think we need a forum devoted exclusively to this topic. I did a short search for "Who evaluates textbooks?" and this came up.

    But look what else came up. Social Emotional Learning, SEL., This is anotiher brainwashing took to encourage reliance on emotions rather than foundations of righteousness. Or even of parents. Basically, they encourage feelings rather than truth and responsibiity and it is a tool against parent's rights to govern in their own home.

    Social Emotional Learning is a tool and a step towards Marxism through education. I know others in TPP can give more info on this topic.

    Social Emotional Learning

    Greenwich Public Schools values the social and emotional well being of all students. This begins with learners as early as Kindergarten. The district utilizes Second Step, a classroom-based, social-emotional learning curriculum for Kindergarten–Grade 8 that nurtures children’s social-emotional competence and foundational learning skills.  The elementary years are the ideal time to nurture social-emotional competence and develop foundational learning skills. Second Step® Elementary offers an evidence-based approach to social-emotional learning (SEL), with age-appropriate lessons. Second Step Middle School is a first-of-its-kind social-emotional learning (SEL) curriculum that’s modern, web-based, and responsive to the needs of today’s students and educators. It’s underpinned by the latest research in adolescent brain development and social psychology. {This is the beginning of their indoctrination, ironically, it is uplifting emotional distress into something that can be manipulated for marxist purposes of anti-family. The Collective Hive. So this is the kind of enticing word-speak that they use to entice faculty, administration, etc., all playing upon the fact that children have emotions. That much is science. 

    Marxism in Education:

    Rather than the modern nuclear family, family tribal groups existed in groups where there were no restrictions on sexual relationships. This means that Engels believed that anyone could have sexual relations with anyone else in the tribal group, and multiple partners (Stern, 1948). (Marx and Engels)

    Social Emotional Learning - Greenwich Public Schools
    Social Emotional Learning - Greenwich Public Schools
  • COORECT MORAL LEARNING is central to all our arguements and oppinions here. WE DECIDED THAT OUR SCHOOLS HOLD THE KEY TO DIRECTING THIS IN THE FUTURE.....WOULD IT NOT BE PRUDENT TO DEVELOP ANOTHER DISCUSSION , TRANSFERRING RELATED DATA ON THIS TEXT BOOK-SCHOOL THEME?  it certainly seems too important to let languish or be set indefinitely aside.

    • I am going to open a forum on Thanksgiving Day as a celebration in our founding era.

    • FIRST: HAPPY THANKSGIVING JEANINE:  Ilike the direction from which you have focused on this problem, targeting offending groups that emphasize EMOTIONS & FEELINGS And MINIMIZE or Completely NEGATE the Importance of FAMILY. I believe your approach will be quite Productive.....'Scuse me, 8:29 AM...COFFEE much Needed and then "Family Doings that Evolve on this SPECIAL DAY.....GOD BLESS YOU  and ALL OUR ASSOCIATES Here at PATRIOT COMMAND CENTER.  

    • Our Thanksgiving Day Proclomation forum:

      The Original Thanksgiving Proclamation
      Patriots This Thanksgiving Day is the day to give thanks to our Creator, who led our Founders and Framers into this land that became the Land of the…
    • Yes, I do think that would be a good idea. Maybe each of us can start getting info and post when ready. 

    • 11:07 AM---I'LL START A LINK-



    • 👍

    • Does he respond to you? Just wondering.

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