
  • Do not give up!  We cannot let cheating and deception win.  Every one of thes states can be returned to PRESIDENT TRUMP if we can get recounts and then get them audited.  See how many deceased are voting and how many people have actually moved out of state or are voting multiple times.  They are violating court orders as well as the Voting Rights Act if they have not purged their voting rolls in the last two years.  Please keep donating to the legal battle.  I know I will.

    • Roy ... recounts are NG and perhaps even counter productive. THE BALLOT POOLS HAVE BEEN POLLUTED USING CROOKED SOFTWARE ... that's what I and my team are working to uncover.

  • 4 years in planning,  Hillary's loss taught them a lesson - they were so sure and Trump proved them wrong.  Now we, the American people need to rise and prove them wrong again!  

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