“But when you look at the organization, police brutality is not the only thing they’re talking about ... “ Terry Crews starts to get into the trojan horse evolution of the BLM movement and Don Lemon promptly cuts him off. pic.twitter.com/MLzSiNN9Bp
— Geoffrey Ingersoll (@GPIngersoll) July 7, 2020
CNN’s Don Lemon and actor Terry Crews had a tense disagreement Monday evening during a discussion on the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement. Crews sparked backlash Saturday after he tweeted: “Are all white people bad? No. Are all black people good? No. Knowing this reality- I stand on my decision to unite with good people, no matter the race, creed or ideology. … Given the number of threats against this decision-I also decide to die on this hill.”
Lemon brought up the tweet, sparking a discussion about the BLM movement – which Crews issued warnings against, although he pushed back on the movement as a whole being extreme. The actor did say the BLM movement has, at times, hints of extremism to it and brought up black-on-black crime, which he said doesn’t seem to matter for BLM.
The CNN host disagreed and began to talk over Crews to explain how BLM shouldn’t care about black-on-black crime.
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Lemon is lying. BLM appeared to start over "police brutality" but it immediately went beyond that pretended focus. They did nothing to address issues with the police, and launched into destroying statues, attacking the police as an institution, electing candidates, and so forth. They were in fact conceived and maintained to introduce chaos into our political environment as prelude to overthrowing capitalism and our political system. I don't think Lemon is an idiot (though there is plenty of evidence for such a conclusion); I think he is consciously lying to provide cover for the movement he supports.
So.......He's a traitor then.
Not much to say. Lemon is obviously an idiot!
if blm doesn't care for black lives then what is it's purpose ? so i guess according to blm's logic : don lemon's husband can kill him and it's ok ,
Don Lemon is a self exposed racist... I'm still wondering why He's 'married' to a White guy :/
I didn't know that - who is the "lucky" groom?
yuck, don't go there