Don't Clean Up the Left's Mess

Violent protests and looting in Seattle Saturday leads to at least ...

Leave it exactly as you found it.

This is a message every parent knows. When your children throw a tantrum and wreck their rooms by tossing books, games and clothes everywhere (but oddly enough not their PlayStation or Xbox), you don’t sanction their immature behavior by picking up after them. It’s their mess and they need to live with it until they recognize the error of their ways. If you want to speed up enlightenment, take away the video game system and make its return contingent on results.

If the grown-ups in America took the same approach to the spoiled brats who have hijacked our major cities, we might well see a rapid learning curve as the mayhem sown by looters and rioters were left to fester and rot as a visible consequence of lawlessness.

Of course, this could only occur if adults were standing up for themselves and their culture instead of kneeling in obeisance to the extremist mob. Rather than talking about consequences, Democrat mayors and governors are rushing to sweep the riots under the rug, pretending they never happened or branding them as “peaceful protests.”

It should go without saying that the looting and rioting we witnessed recently was not justified by the death of George Floyd. Nowhere in the legal code does it say that one unlawful act can provide an excuse for other unlawful acts. Anyone who picked up a brick and chucked it through a window, anyone who torched a police car, anyone who stole a big-screen TV — anyone who engaged in lawless behavior because George Floyd died a wrongful death is a criminal, not a hero. Their behavior cannot be sanctioned, nor should it be covered up.

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