
  • ANY REPUBLICAN THAT VOTES FOR THIS BILL SHOULD BE VOTED OUT OF OFFICE, IT FIXES ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, ITS SIMPLE DO THE MATH ON THE NUMBER OF ILLEGALS ENTERING OUR COUNTRY IF THIS BILL PASSES, THIS IS NOT A COMPRIMISE THIS IS A SELL OUT PLAIN AND SIMPLE, The solution is simple BIDEN SHOULD ENFORCE THE LAWS ALREADY ON THE BOOKS, GO BACK TO THE TRUMP POLICIES AND THE NEXT PRESIDENT SHOULD PUBLICALLY DEMAND THAT CONGRESS PASS NEW AND IMPROVED IMMIGRATION REFORM IMMEDIATELY. The truth is that many over the years that came here illegally have become very productive  and contributing members of our society while many others have not, ITS time to separate the two and send the criminals back where they came from or to prison and then back where they came from, The immediate immigration reform that is needed NOW IS CLOSE THE BORDER..

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