
  • The bill was DOA before the details were released. It couldn't be any other way if only rinos and demonrats work on it. When will rinos catch on and stop betraying we the people?

  • BIDEN'S LIES slide like honey off his germ laden tongue

  • What a bumbleing brain dead fool

    • That is all too true, Janet.  The truth is that this is a terrible bill that does nothing to stop invaders from entering the country and most Republicans realized it.  Unfortunately there are still letgislators that either cannot read, don't care what their constituents think or are just plain corrupt.


  • This Bill was DOA from the start It did not restore BORDER SECURITY, The only thing it did was to continue to allow our country to be invaded by those that have already chosen to disobey our laws by coming across our BORDERa illegally with the Blessing of JOE BIDEN and his INCOMPETENT ADMINISTRATION, Maybe just MAYBE we are starting to see REPUBLICANS IN CONGRESS GROW A BACKBONE, While it may be true that we do need Immigration  Reform Legislation passed, But at present all we need is a President and an Administration that will enforce the IMMIGRATION LAWS THAT PRESENTLY EXISTS AND CLOSE THE BORDER.. JOE BIDEN says DONALD TRUMP KILLED THE BORDER BILL, WELL JOE IF HE DID I WILL GLADLY SUPPORT HIM IN THAT DECISION, But as usual JOE YOU ARE COMPLETELY MISINFORMED THE AMERICAN PEOPLE KILLED THIS BILL AND THAT IS ENCOURAGING NEWS MAYBE AMERICA IS FINALLY WAKING UP. We dont know whom the next President will be HOPE NOT JOE BIDEN , But whomever it is they have a terrible MESS TO CLEAN UP LEFT BEHIND BY THE MOST INCOMPETENT IRRES;PONSIBLE PRESIDENT AND ADMINISTRATION IN MY LIFE TIME

  • The idiot that screwed it up thinks that allowing 5000 squatters in every month was a good idea. What a mess this whole phoney administration has been.

  • Good , then one president did a good surely wasn't the one in the WH currently 




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