
  • I  would not compare anyone  to HILLARY CLINTON, Thats not a statement thats an insult, If NIKI loses the PRIMARY in her own state, We can only hope she  understands at that point that the voters dont want her and she is only hurting not only the Republican Party but she is hurting her own future in the party, I personally dont want to hear the INSULTS  i want to hear statements about policies and their plans for the future of our nation, IM not interested  in insults coming from DON JR im interested in hearing from DONALD TRUMP and his plans to restore our nation. I was very impressed with President TRUMP and the  TOWN HALL meeting recently and even more impressed with his statement about REVENGE,He stated that his REVENGE and ours WOULD COME IN THE FORM OF SUCCESS GOING FORWARD, THOSE ARE THE TYPE OF REMARKS WE NEED TO HEAR, I HAVE NO INTEREST IN VERBAL JABS AND INSULTS I WANT TO HEAR ABOUT POLICIES THAT WILL RESTORE OUR NATION.

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