Donald Trump Thumbs Up - Imgflip

"It is for his contribution for peace between Israel and the UAE. It is a unique deal," Christian Tybring-Gjedde, a member of parliament for the right-wing Progress Party, told Reuters.

In addition to the Israel-UAE deal, the nomination letter to the Nobel Committee cited Trump's "key role in facilitating contact between conflicting parties... such as the Kashmir border dispute between India and Pakistan, and the conflict between North and South Korea."\
The parliamentarian told Fox News that he is nevertheless "not a big Trump supporter."
"The committee should look at the facts and judge him on the facts – not on the way he behaves sometimes," he continued. "The people who have received the Peace Prize in recent years have done much less than Donald Trump.
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  • I can't even imagine what the planet will be like after the Legendary President Donald J. Trump is no longer president. The leftist marxists will want revenge on America, for undoing their plans to turn America into the tax slave plantation nation.

    God bless America, and 4 more years of President Trump. 

    Trump 2Q2Q+, Making America God's Again!

    • There is a Globalist reason for theatre to herald Trumps assasination in an updated play of "Julius Ceasar". Happily though, the ploy did not pan out. Do not unduly fret about vindictive marxists. Their day is demographically done, for another permutation of their energies to find cause and rise in. And happier still, current events have brought an alarmingly personal awareness of risk to even the soundest political sleeper. We still could see civil war IMHO

  • Donald Trump is the most deserving of the Nobel Peace Prize. He is a slam dunk for the prize. That man has done more for the USA, the world, and humanity than any other leader in recent memory.

  • YEAH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, obarry for one!!!

  • Nobel prizes were rendered meaningless when Obama was given the Peace Prize for absolutely zero acheivement. He was given the Peace Prize for merely being elected a United States President. Never forget the anti-peace he ceaselessly fomented. 

    Trump should reject any "prize" offered by the "Nobel Knuckleheads"...!


    • Why should Obama or anyone be awarded a place holder award for nothing but being " the first of..." an involuntary quality. Yet he was.

  • A Nobel Prize would put Donald John Trump in the same club with Woodrow Wilson, Yassar Arafat, and Barrack Obama. But I am sure he can live it down. He has had to swallow worse as President.

  • He deserves it unlike Obama who did not . 

    • Oh no doubt Bonnie! Frankly, what Barrack deserves from me to him has four knuckles worth of congratulation. What a jerk!

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