
Former President Donald Trump will soon begin screening 2022 midterm candidates who are eager to forward “America First” policies while ensuring every open Republican seat has a MAGA-approved contender vying for it.

Trump has received dozens of requests from prospective candidates who wish to earn his support, and he is fielding them as he sees fit. Trump has rejected meetings with former South Carolina governor and 2024 hopeful Nikki Haley and with House and Senate GOP candidates vying for his ear.

Formal meetings with prospects could begin as early as March, according to Politico.

Trump has refocused on the movement he began now that the Senate impeachment trial fully acquitted him, lording the America First agenda into battle against the “business as usual” crowd in Washington, DC. With $31 million on hand, bankrolled by his leadership PAC, Save America, Trump’s coffers will strategically be invested.

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  • Time to send people that care about the people and the country time to let your elected officials to stand up and fight for the country first.

  • The RINOS are VERMIN alongside the demoCRAPS, boy , do we ever need to FUMIGATE congress, NOW would be GREAT!

  • We must have the attitude that WEEEE  are the party!  75million strong and WEEEE are the MAGA  movement.  WEEE must keep it alive whether or not Mr Trump is the candidate..WEEE must let THEM  know  that WEEE  have the votes and the power! Screw both dems and repubs(old GOP)...

    American Patriots!

  • Mr. Trump knows his effectiveness is bound to perceptive endorsements of candidates to be proven in the field. 

    To that purpose, he ought to steer clear of any compromises to accomodate those who eagerly compromised him.

    Frankly, proceeding without first firehosing out the Institutional GOP leadership, presents real hazards for us.

  • I'm also MAGA all the way

  • Great -- Now for his reported civilian lawsuits --- Kick @ss Donald

  • Trump had his chance to stay in office as our legitimate president (per the constitution), but his guts were second to Mike Pence.  Now what, king Trump or a Trump dynasty? No doubt better that what we have, and in a way grass roots, but none of us is getting any younger, our children's opportunities will go to Mexico and get wasted in China, so such mistakes make a fundemental difference for this country which is barely recognizeable as America as is... it's what hussein wants (fundemental change).

  • I'm MAGA all the way

  • I guess were going on a RINO hunt.

  • That is exactly what this country needs.  A leader for the people.


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