
  • nutty nan didn't want the capitol protected from her hired antifa thugs!!!!!!!!!!

  • As I recall it, Pelosi was interviewed the day after the 6th, and said " I was warned 2 weeks by ANTIFA that Antifa was going to dress in MAGA gear and cause problems at the capital." Pelosi was no where near the capital when the Antifa started thier attack. Trump was still speaking when the attack started. The peaceful rally goers did not march to the capital until 20 minutes after the attack started. THe Nazi news media immediately went into attack mode. They put out the lie that it was an insurrection. With the power the Nazi news media weilds, most idiots believed them. The Nazi news media are the culprits for dividing this nation. The are not stupid, they know that a huge segment of the US population get thier news from them and they can control all of  those fools. The everyday fools have no brains. They believe everything the Nazi news media tells them. I have a suggestion, go yo you tube and in the search bar, type in fake news MSNBC, or fake news ANC, or fake news Fox, or fake news CBs, ETC... there is plenty of videos showing how stupid the main stream conspiracy news media is. They are hoping that non of you fools do any research to expose what they are doing.

  • There's no doubt about it by adults. why isn't she in jail???

    • she should be dangling from a gallows, hanged for TREASON!!!!!!!!!!


  • It doesn't just "sound like a setup by the democrats", it WAS A SETUP, conjured up by commie Pelosi herself. That mess was an attempted coup and the commie witch should go to prison right along with the lyingbitchofBenghazi and a few hundred others that we are aware of!!

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