The Biden Administration has suspended dozens of young White House staffers for past marijuana use that the administration had previously said would not disqualify them from their positions, according to a Thursday report.
The Daily Beast reported that affected staffers were “suspended, asked to resign, or placed in a remote work program,” according to three people familiar with the matter who spoke on condition of anonymity.
Staffers who recreationally used cannabis in one of the 14 states where cannabis is legal were also affected by the policy. Marijuana remains illegal under federal law.
“It’s exclusively targeting younger staff and staff who came from states where it was legal,” a former staffer said.
The staffers were suspended because they revealed the marijuana use on an official document as part of their lengthy background check.
Interesting...I thought the democommienazis wanted as many Americans as possible zoned out on drugs....
Harris should be expelled as well. She bragged about smoking pot while listening to some crappy music. Same with Obummer. He bragged anout it too.
Yep...for more than that
there must be more to this story after all after clinton admitted that he didn't inhale and with marijuana getting legalised
Were there any black staffers that received the same treatment as the white staffers. If not Biden is a raciest by definition
You know they run on a different set of rules.
I just posted on my FB yesterday with the video of Harris admitting to not only smoking pot but, made sure she said,"and I inhaled"! Her background check that she had to fill out to run for office should be checked to see if she admitted to that on the background check and if she did not she hasfalsified an official govenment document as well as her openly admitting to committing a felony on the talk show.
Good Man!
Lets see how Facebook deals with truth of the inconvenient kind.
Gee, I guess Quid Pro Joe does not afford liberality for others, as he expects others to afford it to him.
Not buying it. Excuses for nasty secrets they need to keep buried. Maybe it's a Stalinistic purge-get rid of those who know too much.