Dr. Anthony Fauci Meme Gallery - Politically Incorrect Humor

In his inauguration speech, President Biden pledged to “defend the truth and to defeat the lies.” 

So let’s start by being brutally honest about Dr. Anthony Fauci, who has been the source of some of the most damaging misinformation about COVID-19. 

At the very least, the nation’s top infectious-diseases expert and chief medical adviser to Biden is loose with the facts and is prone to changing his mind. 

This is the man who dictated coronavirus policy in the Trump administration. If mistakes were made, as the Biden administration claims, they are Fauci’s. 

Yet, astonishingly, Fauci told CNN Friday that a “lack of candor” from the Trump administration had cost American lives. 

But if people’s lives really were at stake last year, why did he wait until now to tell us? 

Chalk it up to another convenient fib from a habitual fibber, who has deceived us on everything from masks to herd immunity. 

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