Doctors are nothing but hired help, they must follow a protocol or they are fired. No doctor wants to be fired because no hospital wants one that resists, and nowadays they must work FOR a hospital to make some money, I wouldn't be surprised if insurance companies don't want to work with doctors who are in private practice. Doctors fell into this trap and now are completely controlled......because they were looking for security......reminds you of something???????. They gave up their freedoms to practice medicine as they see fit.......for the security of a paycheck! Disgusting!!!!!
Wow. Dr. Gold provides an eye-opening perspective. I heard somewhere else that the introduction of electronic medical records under Obama also contributed to doctor compliance, because the authorities could tell who prescribed what quickly and punish those who tried to help their patients, even when it went against instructions. I hold the hospital administrators under greater responsibility. Did they yield to the financial incentives and threats from funding sources, including Pharma, when they mandated these treatment protocols, including forbidding doctors from acting on their consciences and using their own expertise to treat Covid as any other respiratory illness? I've also heard that AI or artificial intelligence applied to treatment may have played a part in hospital systems. Did the computers tell medical providers what they had to do?
We were told what to do... THE CLASSIC NAZI DEFENSE
The, "I was only following orders" defense is a despicable attempt to escape one's MORAL AND LEGAL complicity with criminal acts. This defense should be openly and forthrightly denounced as PATHETIC... they not only took an oath to 'Do no harm', Doctors may have willingly violated known SAFE protocols that have saved lives, for those that do not... that is called Voluntary Manslaughter. Those care facilities and medical practitioners who engaged in this conduct should be prosecuted. In those cases where massive numbers of deaths were reported crimes against humanity and genocide may be appropriate.
Every Doctor who knowingly acted in a manner that caused death or severe injury needs to be prosecuted and their license to practice medicine revoked. The AMA may need a complete overhaul and Congress et appropriate to disband them...
Doctors are nothing but hired help, they must follow a protocol or they are fired. No doctor wants to be fired because no hospital wants one that resists, and nowadays they must work FOR a hospital to make some money, I wouldn't be surprised if insurance companies don't want to work with doctors who are in private practice. Doctors fell into this trap and now are completely controlled......because they were looking for security......reminds you of something???????. They gave up their freedoms to practice medicine as they see fit.......for the security of a paycheck! Disgusting!!!!!
Wow. Dr. Gold provides an eye-opening perspective. I heard somewhere else that the introduction of electronic medical records under Obama also contributed to doctor compliance, because the authorities could tell who prescribed what quickly and punish those who tried to help their patients, even when it went against instructions. I hold the hospital administrators under greater responsibility. Did they yield to the financial incentives and threats from funding sources, including Pharma, when they mandated these treatment protocols, including forbidding doctors from acting on their consciences and using their own expertise to treat Covid as any other respiratory illness? I've also heard that AI or artificial intelligence applied to treatment may have played a part in hospital systems. Did the computers tell medical providers what they had to do?
We were told what to do... THE CLASSIC NAZI DEFENSE
The, "I was only following orders" defense is a despicable attempt to escape one's MORAL AND LEGAL complicity with criminal acts. This defense should be openly and forthrightly denounced as PATHETIC... they not only took an oath to 'Do no harm', Doctors may have willingly violated known SAFE protocols that have saved lives, for those that do not... that is called Voluntary Manslaughter. Those care facilities and medical practitioners who engaged in this conduct should be prosecuted. In those cases where massive numbers of deaths were reported crimes against humanity and genocide may be appropriate.
Every Doctor who knowingly acted in a manner that caused death or severe injury needs to be prosecuted and their license to practice medicine revoked. The AMA may need a complete overhaul and Congress et appropriate to disband them...
Do we have enough jails for all the corrupt politicians and corporate class that need to be jailed? Asking for a friend.....
We don't need jails......just shoot them! Why feed, docor, and house these criminals?