Where is the US Military... time for them to rise up to repel a massive invasion on our Southern Border, an invasion orchestrated by the Marxist in the Democrat Party.  Tens of Thousands, the vanguard of a Marxist organized invasion, await on our Southern Border chanting Biden, Biden, Biden. These indigent hordes intend on occupying our Nation and stripping it of its wealth and Constitutional Government. 

Let us hope that the Officers of the US Military are not ready to standby idly... while their family, friends, and neighbors, are put out of their homes and businesses; while, rogue elements in the Democrat Party welcome a Marxist invasion. The indigent hordes on our border are not immigrants, they didn't come to assimilate, or to contribute to our Nation. They come to raid our goodwill and to take our Children's inheritance.  We must demand the Military respond by removing the traitors in high places responsible for this invasion. We expect our Military to secure our Borders from invasion, using Deadly Force when necessary. 

Pres. Trump, this is the opportune moment for you to Declare Martial Law...   too, expose the Marxist in the Democrat Party, whose intent is to destroy our Constitutional Republic and to redistribute our Nation's wealth, giving it to the Marxist Hordes massing along our Southern border. These illegal migrants arrive with the intent to divide the spoils, the fruit of the Marxist COUP.  It is time for the US Military to remember the PEOPLE they betray should they fail to respond to this invasion and Coup. Both are acts of war.  

Where are the Officers whose call to DUTY, HONOR, and COUNTRY is greater than Politics or Party?  Will, they put US citizens out of their homes and allow the Nation to be destroyed by an internal insurgency?  Where is the last line of defense against internal betrayal, against a Marxist Coup disguised as an election? Where are the Officers who know Marxist insurgencies subvert elections to take power? The tools of treason are on display everywhere, and it is time the US Military Officers act to defend our Constitution and the Republic from ENEMIES DOMESTIC.

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  • It seems that a retired 4 star General is now Sec. of Defense and is doing the Duty, Honor, and Country stuff under the guidance of a criminal.  One that he is eager to serve. Me thinks he is part of the problem rather than part of a solution to it. 

    This is like a criminal city mayor installing a criminal police chief.  If the General was honest he would be making every effort to see this guy removed, not join in with him.  This is sick.

    • Sadly, this is true...

      I warned several years ago of the subverting of the Military as it drifted away from a CONCRIPTED SERVICE wherein the major elements remained in the hands of drafted, citizen-soldiers, and part-time Citizen Officers.  Our forefathers warned of a standing professional army and only authorized one after the War of 1812 ... a small and contingent core that could fend off invasion until the several State's militias could muster and respond.  To that end the Constitution only AUTHORIZES the standing army for 2yrs at a time... see Article 1, Sec 8, clauses 11 and 12; 14 and 15 

      After several years of an all voluntary army ... the regimentation, selection, and promotion of senior officers based on political ideology has resulted in a steady drift away from loyalty to the traditional standards, in exchange for loyalty to leadership; via career progression and management. We are seeing a professional military that has become focused on its internal command, and with each year it has become more isolated for main street USA and the farms of the Midwest.  Like big government ... big professional armies become near-sighted and turn inward for their code of conduct and ethics. 

      We have created a monster and need to review the military's command structure... we need to reinstate the citizen-soldier as the mainstay of our Military strength...  We need to reintroduce 2 yrs of mandatory service in our military.  Keep a fresh supply of local reason and culture in the ranks, as a check on excessive regimentation and the creation of an internal culture detached from its root... the People. 

      We must reinstate our citizen army... let the professional soldier manage it, while keeping its culture from corruption by infusing it with conscripted manpower.

    • The Military must be defenders of the Constitution. 

      The overall mission of Special Forces/Black Ops is to do that job. Unconventional Warfare is what they are trained for. Should a Commander in Chief inhibit that Mission he or she must be 'encouraged'  to stop. Duty, Honor, Country must never be over ruled by political despots.  A real American President would never command otherwise.

      All three branches of Government have been compromised. The Military has not been immune to the corruption either.

  • We the people must figure out how to unite and establish a leadership other than government, for any emergency. Otherwise we're one more toast in history


    To defend something one must first know what that something is...  Our Elected Officials have a very limited understanding of the US Constitution and many of them see it only as an obstacle to be overcome... outdated and obsolescent.  Few are interested in defending it, even fewer understand the oath they took to defend it.

    However, the principles and precepts contained in our Constitution are timeless maxims... for the establishment of sound government and social justice.  Our Constitution was inspired by more than the will of men. It is the fruit of our Christian Fathers, whose very being lived and breathed the essence of God's Word. Those godly men knew what laws and ethics ... what checks and balances ... were needed to restrain the excesses of man. They understood what was needed to create sound and lasting Godly government. Our Constitution is no ordinary document it is the inspired word of God handed down to our forefathers for the purpose of creating one nation under God... with liberty and justice for all. 

    America is more than the sum of mankind's best... it is God's gift to a faithful people, and the promise of hope to an oppressed world.   It established a new world order, in a new world... based on the promise that all men were created equal in the eyes of their creator.  However, the current generation has forgotten the source of our liberty, and blinded to the God of their forefathers... this generation has rejected God and with Him the precepts that guarantee liberty. 

    To defend our constitution one must first believe in its source and its tenants... “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people”  It, therefore, takes a moral and religious people to defend it.  Wonder no longer as to the reason our elected officials fail to comprehend their oath of office or embody the will to defend it against all enemies... foreign and DOMESTIC.  They have forgotten who they are and where they came from.

    Update follows:

    "A nation can survive its fools and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague."  Quote: Marcus Tullius Cicero

  • We shall soon discover which is greater... Duty, Honor, Country... or political ideology.  This week should reveal which is grater in the ranks of our military.

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