
  • Trump tried to tell you people the obvious! I watched your leaders laugh at him, just as our leaders laughed at him, none of them are doing that now! 

  • Just like the old story of the frog and the scorpion.  Just can't help myself. 

  • Sure they are protesting, they want heat over the winter!
    They tied themselves to Russia, depending on them to take care of their need, they chose to ride the wrong horse and now they are to choose between supporting Putin, or freezing! Putin is ex KGB, he knows how to twist arms, shutting off their heat source is a simple answer to forcing these countries into turning a blind eye/supporting him in the takeover of Ukrain. BRILLIANT! These countries formerly controlled by the Soviets/Russia chose to depend on Russia for their essentials while they had many other options, they went with their former abuser!

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