The mail-in ballots in Pennsylvania and other states can not be certified as being cast by legitimately registered voters... the court can not extend the deadline for votes to be received, nor can they change the method for casting votes by absentee ballot (mail-in)... that is the sole prerogative of the State Legislature. The state legislatures must change the law to accommodate mail-in ballots.
Ballots that can not be verified as cast by a legitimate registered voter must be challenged and not counted... All LEGITIMATE VOTES, cast by verified registered voters on election day or before, must be counted and no others. For a ballot to be a legitimate vote it must be cast by a legitimate registered voter. That can not be done if there is no factual method to determine who completed the ballot. Ballots mailed-in must be certified by a witness or a notary attesting to the identity of the individual completing the ballot. Absentee ballots completed by the Military are certified by a Commissioned Officer (a federal notary) and must be mailed/postmarked before the election date ... not after.
The State Legislature, not the COURTS (state or federal), establishes the rules and standard for voting... A court ruling, by a Judge who requires ballots received from unverified voters be treated as legitimate ballots, is unthinkable... There is no way to know who completes a mail-in ballot unless it is notarized or properly witnessed... holding tens of thousands of unverified ballots received by mail as legitimate is a disaster. It is an open invitation to steal an election with voter fraud.
Courts and states may not disenfranchise voters... accepting ballots cast by unknown sources disenfranchise legitimate voters.
Courts must not rule that ballots cast AFTER the election date... Votes postmarked after the election date shouldn't be counted PERIOD. Mail-in Ballots received without a postmark must not be counted. Large concentrations of mail-in ballot votes raise the issue of voter and election fraud. This is especially true when the votes overwhelming assign to one or another of the candidates. Such concentrations of ballot should lead to an INVESTIGATION and the ballots being challenged.