
  • We are a Nation who's foundation is based on Law. All Law is and must be without interpretation of emotion, Personal or Devine. Only in this manner does it remain Neutral, Unbiased and Free of Prejudice. We Pray for guidance. We adhere to Law. Thus we remain neutral and Free.

    Lynn Bryant DeSpain

    • We are a Nation who's foundation is based on God's Law.

  • My God, you are capable of complicating a string aren't you? Very reminding of "Citizen Kane" and "Rosebud!" John, get serious.

    Lynn Bryant DeSpain

    • Go to sleep under that rock once again, please, LBD.  You would not be happy if you were demeaning people.  You spew out your personal pablum and then personally attack those that dare to disagree with you, even if only in part.

  • No, you did not!  When you wrote "Ravel's "Bolero," to what were you referring.  Hint:  I was referring to.......

  • I absolutely answered your question, twice. If you cannot grasp the answers, comprehend them, understand them, either you are "Thick Headed", Ignorant, or a Paranoid Schizophrenic!  

    Lynn Bryant DeSpain

  • Personal Preference. This is America and that remains a choice dies it not?

    Lynn Bryant DeSpain

    • You must be DNC official.  They never answer questions and neither do you.  TO WHAT ARE YOU REFERRING?  WHAT AREUYOU TALKING ABOUT??????

  • Some choose Brahms, others choose Ravel. Whatever turns your crank.

    Lynn Bryant DeSpain

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